Friday, February 27, 2009

Hello Spring!!!

I love spring. I really, really love spring and summer. I like a little winter, but not too much. I was done with winter 3 weeks ago. I know, I know... too early... but mentally I was already sitting in my back yard smelling roses.
So I started some seeds...

.. because it's that time of year....

I have a lot started. I might have too many tomatoes, but I'm always afraid some might not come up.

But outside I found my first few flowers opening up their sleepy heads...

I love green flowers, and hellebores fits the bill so nicely.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crater Lake

I was cleaning out my iPhone and found this lovely picture of Crater Lake:

I fly back and forth to Irvine for one of my freelance clients, and it was a clear day on the last trip. I have never actually been to Crater Lake, but fly over it frequently. I really want to go this year.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Board of Inspiration

So here are the images that I have affixed to my board with my fancy new magents....

The first image has a couple of sheets that are part of a "Decadent" inspiration board. I think that defines my style... as I like the images, color, and materials of those sheets... and, of course, you can't go wrong with John Galliano who is featured smack in the middle of those tear sheets.
Now I just have to figure out how to make all this work with my existing wardrobe.....

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Why does it take me so long to get around to doing things???

So I posted back in the middle of summer that I had put up these linen covered magnet boards.

...which have basically remained linen covered boards with nothing on them for 6 months. I finally got around to making my magnets for them. I wanted to use these clear, thick scrapbooking lens stickers with letters, but my magnets were, of course, magnet color which is black meaning the letters wouldn't show up on the black magnet.

So I painted them all with a couple of coats of a cream colored acrylic.

I let them dry and stuck the stickers on top. Ta da! They look pretty swanky.

I have now filled my magnet boards will all sorts of inspirational images to help me stay focused on sewing some new things for me and revamping my wardrobe a bit. While I am delighted to have beautiful images to look at, I have discovered that I have completely conflicting views of style. I love vintage looks and tailored suits while swooning over goth gowns and heavy eye liner. I'm a sucker for rhinestone jewelry, but also love elaborately detailed coats and jackets that would not require any additional adornment. And I love the look of combat boots and layers of tulle... I don't know why, but I really, really do. I'll post pictures of my dilemma board tomorrow. Either way it still looks better than empty linen.