Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

I usually don't set New Year's Resolutions, since I seem to fail at following through. So this year I picked two simple ones:
1. eat more vegetables and fruit
2. make more time for crafting
The first one is a much easier way of saying "loose some weight" and "get healthy" and "feed my family better". So instead of three separate resolutions, it is just one. And one should be easier to keep instead of three.
The second one should be extremely easy once the basement is done and my weekends and spare time aren't spent painting. I also received some wonderful craft books for Christmas which have some amazing projects in them. The corallary to resolution number 2 is to actually FINISH the craft projects. Sometimes I have several things going at once and nothing gets done.

I did a little recycle craft project over the holidays. I had this beautiful pair of cashmere gloves that had holes in two of the fingers. As I was wearing them for the last time, I was wondering what I could make out of them with only eight fingers available for use.

Spiders have eight legs... so I'll make something spider-like.

I washed the gloves in hot water a few times to felt them up a bit, but this cashmere didn't shrink up too tight. They did start to get hairy, which looks weird, but feels wonderful! There is a thread bare section on the bottom of one of his feet. I'm thinking of giving him some toe pads out of wool felt. He looks a little plain but Ewan likes him. He likes to fall asleep with the spider next to his cheek.

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