I'm going to miss my flowers when the cold weather really starts.
It is a beautiful, clear day here, but very cold. I walked around my garden this morning and cut whatever I could find that was still blooming. I have one purple dahlia that is still struggling to put out blossoms... although the shape and color and a little unusual.
They add a burst of color to the kitchen which is starting to get that lovely winter light.
This is Mister e's first piece of Halloween candy....
He received it at the second house we went to and would not let go of it. I held one hand and one wrist (that hand was holding the candy) and helped him walk for 2 blocks... which is a long way when you are not really walking yet. He held that peanut butter cup the whole time. When we came back to the house, he still held onto it while I took his costume off; and then continued to clutch it for the next hour. He loved Halloween and all the people that came to the house, and he become very attached to his first piece of candy. About 4 days later he discovered that you could actually open the wrapper and eat the contents. He wasn't too impressed with the candy... I think he liked the experience better.