Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sewing Projects!!!

I finally am getting around to posting some of my lovely sewing projects that I have been working on.
Miss E came to me last month and announced that she wanted to sew a bag... something to carry her drawing supplies in. Not too purse-like and not too fat. We rounded up these supplies from my stash:

which produced this snappy bag....

Then today, after being inspired by a walk through Forever 21 and all their 80's floral inspired summer sun dresses... I finally got out my elastic thread that I bought awhile back. My friend Mo at Lime Gardenias gave it a try last year and created a darling dress for Miss M. So armed with the knowledge from Your Fabric Place, I was off to expand my sewing skills by creating elasticized ruching!

The results are very cute... if I do say so myself. Of course, you can't go wrong with Heather Ross fabric either. This is from her West Hill line... little lily pads with tiny frogs jumping amongst them.

Here's the ensemble in action...

1 comment:

3anklebiters said...

LOVE it all!